I have to admit that training on an incline treadmill has helped me to make huge gains in my fitness, body composition, mountaineering, and racing goals. Have you ever looked forward to a treadmill workout? Have you ever thought of your treadmill workout as a game? What's been stopping you? If you want to see more after watching this short video, check out the webpage here: https://inclinetreadmilltrainer.com/zwiftrunning/introduction-to-zwift-running/
This project began with a team from the Rocky Mountains of Utah and Colorado at the International Elbrus Race on Elbrus, one of the Seven Summits, an 18,500' volcano in the Caucasus of Russia. We took 3rd and 5th place in Fall 2013. Follow training, test races, goals, technique, theory and fun as we work to achieve our dreams. Right now I'm alone here [Charles] so this reflects my own races, runs, training, and challenges. Please subscribe and comment when/if you can. Please share.